Understanding Roofing Warranties: What Omaha Homeowners Need to Know - Omaha Roofing Help

Understanding Roofing Warranties: What Omaha Homeowners Need to Know - Omaha Roofing Help

Understanding Roofing Warranties: What Omaha Homeowners Need to Know - Omaha Roofing Help

Understanding Roofing Warranties: What Omaha Homeowners Need to Know


When investing in a new roof for your Omaha home, understanding the roofing warranties associated with different products and services is essential. Roofing warranties provide protection, assurance, and peace of mind. In this article, we will help Omaha homeowners navigate the complexities of roofing warranties by providing valuable insights and highlighting the expertise of Rocket Roofing, our distinguished sponsor, in offering comprehensive and reliable warranty options for roof installations.

1. Types of Roofing Warranties

Roofing warranties typically fall into two main categories: manufacturer warranties and contractor warranties. Manufacturer warranties are provided by the manufacturer of the roofing materials and cover defects in the product itself. Contractor warranties, on the other hand, are warranties provided by the roofing contractor and ensure the quality of the installation and workmanship. It's essential to understand the terms and conditions, coverage duration, and any limitations or exclusions that may exist in both types of warranties.

2. Length of Warranty Coverage

The length of warranty coverage can vary depending on the roofing material, manufacturer, and contractor. It is not uncommon to see warranties ranging from 10 years to 50 years or even more for certain roofing materials. It's important to carefully consider the duration of the warranty provided and the potential lifespan of the roofing material. A longer warranty coverage period can offer greater protection and savings over time.

3. Components of Coverage

Roofing warranties may cover various components, including defects in the roofing material, problems arising from faulty installation, and in some cases, protection against specific weather events or damage. It's crucial to understand what aspects are covered and what may be excluded from the warranty. Some warranties may also include provisions for labor and other associated costs. Carefully reviewing the warranty terms and asking questions to the manufacturer or roofing contractor can help clarify what is included in the coverage.

4. Proper Maintenance Requirements

Most roofing warranties require proper maintenance to remain valid. This may include regular inspections, necessary repairs, and documentation of maintenance activities. It's important to follow the recommended maintenance guidelines provided by the manufacturer or contractor, as failure to do so may void the warranty. Keep records of inspections, maintenance, and any repairs as proof of complying with the warranty requirements.

5. Transparent and Reliable Contractors

Choosing a reputable and experienced roofing contractor like Rocket Roofing is crucial when it comes to warranty coverage. A reliable contractor will provide transparent information about warranties, explain any limitations or exceptions, and ensure proper installation adhering to the warranty guidelines. It's important to work with a contractor who has a good reputation, solid credentials, and a history of honoring warranty commitments.


Understanding the intricacies of roofing warranties is essential for Omaha homeowners to make informed decisions when investing in a new roof. Manufacturer warranties and contractor warranties offer protection and assurance for different aspects of roofing materials and services. It is essential to review the coverage duration, components of coverage, maintenance requirements, and choose a trustworthy contractor to ensure a reliable and comprehensive warranty. Rocket Roofing, with their expertise in roofing installations and reliable warranty options, can be a trusted partner in providing Omaha homeowners with peace of mind and long-lasting protection for their roofs.

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